Writer of History and Heritage

Independent scholar and author Martha Lou Perritti began her writing career when most people start thinking about slowing down. She was 50 years old when she ventured into writing and book publishing. "If I can start a writing career at 50, anyone can," she remarks. "My life has been a summation of the attributes of my Cherokee and Irish legacies. Benefiting from the inner strength of my ancestors, I follow my own path." Tell me more...


Standing Against The Wind

In Standing against the Wind, Perritti offers up her new-found Cherokee heritage through the eyes of three women. It took about three years to research, discover and write this novel based on family legend. Following various segments in the book, Perritti provides historical notations that connect actual facts to the story. Perritti was 60 years old before she learned three of her great grandmothers were Cherokee Indians. These are the three that lead us through her book.
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New Release

Born in 1963, a new generation of an Italian family that came from Naples, Italy to American in 1906.
Risking their safety, the young couple fled their homeland in Italy to the shores of England, with only their hopes and dreams and three little children in tow. Tell me more...




New Release

Latest News

Oct 2015 - Author Perritti continues her series with War Eagle's story. Book Launching soon.

Rave Review

Standing Against the Wind is a riveting story about three Cherokee women who face danger and mistreatment in the land of their ancestors. But, in spite of their trials and tribulations, they are cherished by their husbands and greatly loved by their children. As they raise their children in the "white man's world", they never forget their roots and work diligently beside their husbands to forge the way for their grandchildren. There is sadness in the book as the families are forced to leave their homes more than once, but through it all, the three Cherokee women and their families form a bond that can't be broken.  Martha Lou Perritti's extensive research is impressive as she writes about the long march west and the treatment of the Indians by the white man. Her description of the Civil War in Mobile is so well done that the reader feels she is on the scene living side by side with the brave soldiers. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Martha Lou Perritti's first book, Crossing in the Rain, but Standing Against the Wind was spellbinding and kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. - Verified Book Purchaser


Newly Weds


Mother & the rose

Young Martha


Mildred & the rose

First Car

Mattie & the rose

Tribal sign

The above images were featured in Perritti's books From This Fertile Valley and Standing Against The Wind.


Her love for writing and publishing began with a couple of cookbooks. She decided to write her father's story, during the course discovering many family secrets, which opened the door to so much more....

Martha Lou Perritti

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Book Series

Crossing in the Rain, Standing Against the Wind, Ribbon of Time, & War Eagle Texas Cherokee

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Series Characters

Polly, Martha, Rhoda, Lucinda, Rebekah, Martha Lou, Little Bear, & War Eagle

Book Characters

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Reader Review

"This is a gripping story by and about Cherokee women written in accurate historical context. It's powerful writing rich in the details of Cherokee life in post-Columbus America. A heart-stirring, beautifully written story. Prepare to be fascinated and sometimes pained."Verified Book Purchaser

Martha Lou Perritti will be making public appearances at multiple venues in the near future.

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